Fenlin wrote:How old are you?
38 going on 13 according to a female friend
What is your main character?
Avelbran, Witch Hunter (my primary)
Deleranthlas, Swordmaster (my secondary. both in guild)
How did you find / hear about us?
Since leaving Phoenix Throne my exposure to Ordo was right away in T1 where your members were knowledgeable, helpful and fun to be around. This experience hadn't changed throughout T2 and now into T3
Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
I ha ve the client and headphones with mic. I don't tend to use it much siunce when I'm home and playing I'm usually catching up on Tivo or have the sat. radio on. I can use it when required.
What other MMO's have you played?
Anarchy Online from beta till about a year afterwards (if you've ever been to the Neutral city, the only street in town is named for me)
City of Heroes from beta to the present (though I haven't played in several months since coming back to WAR)
Eve Online for about three years. It's time-based skill system has engendered an arms-race of sorts between a friend a t work and I, so it's just there to keep skills training.
WoW for a little over a year. I want my year back.
Horizons for..like...a week.
SW:G when it came out. Wasn't for me.
Everquest. As above.
Age of Conan ..it held so much promise in beta.
Neverwinter Nights both the America Online (I'm old) version and the Bioware version, on which I was a Storyteller Dm on the Realm of the Lost Legion server and played on a couple others (Mostly 'Dragon Coast', which is still running to my knowledge to this day).
..Do MUDS count?
If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.
I met Drec with my Swordmaster, who guilded me, Mrsigmar who brought in Avelbran, Arkhamn who still holds the RP candle and a whole host of others since joining Volkmar!
Thanks to all of you in Ordo who made my journey here a positive experience.