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    Appy to Ordo Here


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    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Fenlin Tue May 12, 2009 2:56 pm

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?

    How did you find / hear about us?

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    What other MMO's have you played?

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.


    Last edited by Fenlin on Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-06-07

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Application to Guild

    Post  Varadin Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:04 pm

    I am 23

    18 Bight Wizard at the moment. I was in the open Beta and stopped playing a couple of months in, and now want to get back into warhammer. I do not know if my name is still good waiting on the client patching to finish out.

    Heard about you from the "Beta" Forums.

    I do have Ventrilo and use it

    Guild Wars, WOW

    Posts : 343
    Join date : 2009-05-08
    Age : 52
    Location : Miami

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Fenlin Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:16 am

    Varadin wrote:I am 23

    18 Bight Wizard at the moment. I was in the open Beta and stopped playing a couple of months in, and now want to get back into warhammer. I do not know if my name is still good waiting on the client patching to finish out.

    Heard about you from the "Beta" Forums.

    I do have Ventrilo and use it

    Guild Wars, WOW

    You are approved ! geek cyclops

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-06-25
    Age : 39
    Location : Los Angeles

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Killen Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:42 am

    How old are you?


    What is your main character?

    Rank 23 Warrior Priest

    How did you find / hear about us?

    Server Forum

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    Yes yes

    What other MMO's have you played?

    WoW, Age of Conan, Requiem, Ragnarok (LOL)

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-06-30

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Caitrin Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:00 pm

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    Caitrin - Witch Hunter

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Was looking on the boards for an Order RP guild on a server other than Phoenix Throne (logged in there and there was almost no talking on the Order side and no coordination in PvP at all). Saw your Siegismund had posted that you guys were light RP and Heavy RvR, both things I love to do.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    Have it and use it regularly

    What other MMO's have you played?
    UO, WoW, Age of Conan, Ragnarok, EQ, EQ2

    Even if you guys aren't RP anymore (your recruitment thing on the server didn't mention it at least) the casual altaholics thing is definitely me. Smile

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-07-05

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  gizeluke Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:30 am

    I am 26

    ShadowWarrior - 40
    name Gize

    Looking for a order guild, liked what I saw wanted to check yall out.

    Vent . yup

    WOW, SWG, EQ, EQ2, LOTRO, EVE, AOC, FF11, DAOC, other ones also but they were garbage.

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-07-30

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Bek Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:31 am

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    not sure, just coming back to the game...
    I have a 40 WL, 38 BW, and 33 Engineer that are all possibilities.
    Names are Bek, Xovar, and Bring respectively.

    How did you find / hear about us?
    WAR forums.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    Yes & yes.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    WAR, WoW, DAoC, EvE

    Coming back to the game after several months away to see if its worth playing again. I was a hardcore DAoC player (ran with all RR10+ 8man on Tintagel back in the day) and was disappointed in what WAR offered. I may be here for awhile, I may be here for a week and then quit again. However, I know I'll have more fun with a guild than without and if I do stay, I'll be the guy that never seems to log off. Look forward to hearing from you.


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-08-14

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  giveroflife Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:04 pm

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    Giveroflife, 22 archmage

    How did you find/hear about us?
    A really nice member, can't remember who it was, i quested with invited me Very Happy

    Do you have and/or use ventrilo?
    yes and i love it

    What other MMO's have you played
    WoW, have a lvl 80, i just started war when i decided i liked pvp/rvr much more than pve

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-08-21
    Location : USA

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Hello, Tarkun here...

    Post  Tarkun Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:49 pm

    I would like to join your guild....
    I am 42 years old, I have a very high stress job, and when I come home or have some free time I like to log in and smash a blade through and Orcs skull. Tarkun is a vlv 18 SW, and he is my main. I have and use Ventrilo. I still play AoC and LotRO, and in the past I have played UO, EQ, EQ2, Shadowbane(i think, my PC didn't play that one very well, I've upgraded since!), DAoC, and WoW. I have grouped with Nineonine and Daynal, among others, but I don't know if they would remember me. I am mostly interested in RvR, especially open RvR (have you seen some of the influence rewards for the Tier Open RvR!) though I do Quests and PQ's when I can't get a group. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Last edited by Tarkun on Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I keep remembering other MMO's I've played...must be old age!)

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-23

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  odonnelp Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:42 am

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    I have a level 32 Warrior Priest (yes I do healing in RvR) named Phoynix.

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Did a guild search and yours was one of the most active.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    I have it installed, but have not tried to use it yet

    What other MMO's have you played?
    Not many. Been playing WAR since April in IronClaw. Just moved to this server when ours was shut down.

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.
    Still fairly new on this server and not meet any of your crew yet. Smile

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-24

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty guild application

    Post  Irenicus23 Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:39 pm

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    Bezarli - Level 14 Engineer

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Forums at Warhammeronline

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    What other MMO's have you played?
    Star Wars Galaxies

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.
    I'm pretty new still but I love your guild motto, casual and just have fun Smile

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-09-06

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Sheenaisa Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:23 pm

    How old are you? 31

    What is your main character? Sheenaisa - 18 Archmage (Path of Vaul)

    How did you find / hear about us? Have run into a number of your members in T2 RVR lakes/HV and all were experienced/courteous

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo? Yes. Less for chat, more for in-game coordinaton/instruction

    What other MMO's have you played? World of Warcraft until present; Neverwinter Nights (few months); Ultima Online beta through 2003; Played WAR in beta and a few months after until WOW expan sucked me back over there. Really missed WAR and came back/reroll.

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-09-13

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Kingbreaker Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:33 pm

    How old are you? Mid thirties

    What is your main character?

    Highest-ranking is a lvl 24 WL. Currently leveling a T2 AM Apothecary/Cultivator and a T2 SM

    How did you find / hear about us?

    I read the guild recruitment post on the Volkmar board. I also asked a member in game if you were recruiting. He invited me on the spot. I stopped by here to make it official:)

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    I certainly can get it.

    What other MMO's have you played?

    Ultima Online. I've tried WoW and LOTR online, and been bored silly.

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.

    My character in guild is Silgauroth, lvl 14 AM/Cult/Apoth

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-09-21
    Age : 53
    Location : Saint Paul, MN

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Avelbran Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:36 am

    Fenlin wrote:How old are you?
    38 going on 13 according to a female friend

    What is your main character?
    Avelbran, Witch Hunter (my primary)
    Deleranthlas, Swordmaster (my secondary. both in guild)

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Since leaving Phoenix Throne my exposure to Ordo was right away in T1 where your members were knowledgeable, helpful and fun to be around. This experience hadn't changed throughout T2 and now into T3

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    I ha ve the client and headphones with mic. I don't tend to use it much siunce when I'm home and playing I'm usually catching up on Tivo or have the sat. radio on. I can use it when required.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    Anarchy Online from beta till about a year afterwards (if you've ever been to the Neutral city, the only street in town is named for me)
    City of Heroes from beta to the present (though I haven't played in several months since coming back to WAR)
    Eve Online for about three years. It's time-based skill system has engendered an arms-race of sorts between a friend a t work and I, so it's just there to keep skills training.
    WoW for a little over a year. I want my year back.
    Horizons for..like...a week.
    SW:G when it came out. Wasn't for me.
    Everquest. As above.
    Age of Conan ..it held so much promise in beta.
    Neverwinter Nights both the America Online (I'm old) version and the Bioware version, on which I was a Storyteller Dm on the Realm of the Lost Legion server and played on a couple others (Mostly 'Dragon Coast', which is still running to my knowledge to this day).
    ..Do MUDS count? Shocked

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.

    I met Drec with my Swordmaster, who guilded me, Mrsigmar who brought in Avelbran, Arkhamn who still holds the RP candle and a whole host of others since joining Volkmar!

    Thanks to all of you in Ordo who made my journey here a positive experience.

    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2009-09-16
    Age : 40
    Location : Maple Valley, wa

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  DeannaW Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:06 pm

    How old are you? im 24 but not for long

    What is your main character?my main is a 37 AM hopefully 40 soon

    How did you find / hear about us? i was doing HV run and ws bitching about ice dragons guild that i was in(only because my hubby is good friends with leader)they never had anyone on and someone in my group invited me to this guild and i love it, everyone is nice, helpful friendly and always doing stuff with eachother!!!

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?Yes i have vent just no mic, honestly i hate the sound of my voice!!!

    What other MMO's have you played?Ive played Star wars galaxies, between my husband and it we have about 35 lvl 90 toons, we play WW2 online, Dark ages of camleot, he used to play rogue spear, and a few others

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now. waaghtever was the one that brought me into the guild

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-10-02

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Aion Application

    Post  KPheasey Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:00 pm

    How old are you?


    What is your main character?

    Karlor - 20 Gladiator

    How did you find / hear about us?

    Guild recruitment post on AionSource.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    Yes and yes.

    What other MMO's have you played?

    To name a few, SWG, EQ2, WOW, WAR.

    Posts : 343
    Join date : 2009-05-08
    Age : 52
    Location : Miami

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Fenlin Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:01 pm

    KPheasey wrote:How old are you?


    What is your main character?

    Karlor - 20 Gladiator

    How did you find / hear about us?

    Guild recruitment post on AionSource.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?

    Yes and yes.

    What other MMO's have you played?

    To name a few, SWG, EQ2, WOW, WAR.

    Welcome !!

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-10-04

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Aldanas Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:30 pm

    Aion App.

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    15 Sorcerer Aldanas

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Seen you around in Aion and Warhammer

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    Yes I do.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    Warhammer, LotRO, Planetside, DAoC, GW

    Posts : 343
    Join date : 2009-05-08
    Age : 52
    Location : Miami

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Fenlin Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:46 am

    Aldanas wrote:Aion App.

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    15 Sorcerer Aldanas

    How did you find / hear about us?
    Seen you around in Aion and Warhammer

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    Yes I do.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    Warhammer, LotRO, Planetside, DAoC, GW

    Welcome !!!!!

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-10-31

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Would like to join

    Post  Nevistar Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:46 am

    How old are you? 40

    What is your main character? Muedar is my main for now (38th level Shadow Warrior - 35 RR) also have lowish level WH and Knight

    How did you find / hear about us? I was doing some RVR with a few of your members. I didn't introduce myself, but I was impressed by their knowledge of the game. I just recently came back from a few months off and all my friends left and are playing Destro on a different server and I would like to have a guild that I can group with and learn the game a little better with.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo? Yes

    What other MMO's have you played? Started when Neverwinter Nights was on AOL, then switched to Ultima Online. Since then I have played in no certain order: EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard, WoW, Acheron's Call, Anarchy Online, SWG Galaxies, Dark Ages of Camelot, and Warhammer. I am sure there are some I missed, but those are the main ones.

    Oh and this application is for Warhammer.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-12-18

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Application

    Post  Ythia Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:32 pm

    How old are you?
    -30 although some say its more like 13.

    What is your main character?
    -Ythia. Rank 17 - RR 16 AM

    How did you find / hear about us?
    -Player by the name of Felador was kind enough to help me obtain my Obliterators Braces as i've been having really bad luck on medallion rolls. He/She told me about the guild and gave me a basic run down on it.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    -Yes I have it. Occasionally use it to listen.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    - WoW, AoC, D2, Florensia, Gates of Anderon, RoM, Dungeons and Dragons online, Guild Wars, UO.

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now.
    -That would have to be Felador as he/she is really the only one i've met.

    This would be for the Warhammer guild on Volkmar. I have a 18 month old son so my playtime can end up being somewhat spiky overall although Felador has assured me that it will not be an issue unless i'm offline for thirty days or so. But yeah, I think thats about everything. Appy to Ordo Here Icon_smile

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-01-18

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Judin Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:50 am

    How old are you?

    What is your main character?
    Judin (21 WP)

    How did you find / hear about us?
    RvR'ed with a few from your guild (names escape me atm)

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo?
    Have and use it yes.

    What other MMO's have you played?
    DAoC, WoW, FFXI, Conan, UO

    -Application is for Warhammer

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-02-26
    Location : Iowa USA

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Application

    Post  Wanrart Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:24 pm

    I am interested in this guild attracted by the number of members and the description of the guild on the GUILD button in Warhammer.
    I am so old I am retired and have played a lot of other MMO games such as UO, EQ, EQ2, Planetside, Star Wars, Evony, Eve Online and a bunch more. I do have a Real Life but I still get to play Warhammer approx. 2 hours/day. I play at all times of the day whenever I have some free time. These games ward off dementia and its other related types Smile Let me just add, I believe I was the oldest player on all the other MMO games I've ever played. But don't let that intimidate you. I was a programmer on the first computer made for the Department of defense; to give you an idea of my age. My career has been in computer application design, programming and testing.
    My chararcter is Wanrart an Archmage at level 20. I have 8 other characters I have tried but the Archmage I like the best and will play it on up to 40. So far I have played solo quests and some RvR at lvl 10. It was not very exciting at that lvl. I would hope it would be more organized at 20-40.
    I like guild play and I realize all in the party have a roll to play (tank, heal, cast dps, buff, debuff ect). I also understand the party will not always reach its objective. So I am not disappointed when that happens. Nothing is lost in this game when we die except for time. I learn from my failures.
    I look forward to playing with others who will teach me. I love to learn new ways of using the game system and my character.
    Ventrillo, I had installed and used it in another MMO game. I can install it again.
    Other information you want, I can provide via EMAIL or this forum.

    Posts : 343
    Join date : 2009-05-08
    Age : 52
    Location : Miami

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Fenlin Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:41 pm

    Wanrart wrote:I am interested in this guild attracted by the number of members and the description of the guild on the GUILD button in Warhammer.
    I am so old I am retired and have played a lot of other MMO games such as UO, EQ, EQ2, Planetside, Star Wars, Evony, Eve Online and a bunch more. I do have a Real Life but I still get to play Warhammer approx. 2 hours/day. I play at all times of the day whenever I have some free time. These games ward off dementia and its other related types Smile Let me just add, I believe I was the oldest player on all the other MMO games I've ever played. But don't let that intimidate you. I was a programmer on the first computer made for the Department of defense; to give you an idea of my age. My career has been in computer application design, programming and testing.
    My chararcter is Wanrart an Archmage at level 20. I have 8 other characters I have tried but the Archmage I like the best and will play it on up to 40. So far I have played solo quests and some RvR at lvl 10. It was not very exciting at that lvl. I would hope it would be more organized at 20-40.
    I like guild play and I realize all in the party have a roll to play (tank, heal, cast dps, buff, debuff ect). I also understand the party will not always reach its objective. So I am not disappointed when that happens. Nothing is lost in this game when we die except for time. I learn from my failures.
    I look forward to playing with others who will teach me. I love to learn new ways of using the game system and my character.
    Ventrillo, I had installed and used it in another MMO game. I can install it again.
    Other information you want, I can provide via EMAIL or this forum.

    Welcome !! . I am sure you will feel at home here !

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-05-18

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Eadryk Tue May 18, 2010 7:51 pm

    How old are you? 30

    What is your main character? White Lion (lvl 11, currently)

    How did you find / hear about us? I am a former member of Ordo Hereticus. Joined in beta and left a few months later. Returning to the game after a long break, ready to get back into it. Mainly casual play for now. This time around, I am not going to try and be an Alt-Aholic. Going to focus on one character and build it up til I hit 40 and am comfortable enough to start a new one.

    Do you have and / or use ventrilo? I have and use Ventrilo when needed

    What other MMO's have you played? DDO, SWG, WoW, LOTRO, EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, just to name a few.

    If you have a reference already in guild, please state them now. No reference


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-07-17

    Appy to Ordo Here Empty Re: Appy to Ordo Here

    Post  Ekryth Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:04 pm

    I'm 26.
    Witch Hunter, but I am using a friends account (White Lion) to lvl my WH. I also have a RR78 DoK (just an fyi).
    Found out about the guild through guild search in-game.
    I have/use vent.
    I've played WOW and SWG prior to WAR.

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